Since starting on my first book, The Mark of Enchantment, I have been assisted, cheered on, kicked into gear, and literally sat by my husband in front of my computer. There were times I honestly thought I was not going to finish my book.
I went back and forth about how it was coming along and where I wanted it to go. Then swelled with doubts about how others would receive it. This was the baby of my imagination. Something I created from nothing. There was no telling if others would appreciate or enjoy the characters or storyline I put before them.
Many months my book sat untouched until my husband or friend of mine gave me the push I needed to continue. One of my friends even beta read it for me as I wrote it to give me an idea of how well it was flowing. Thanks Chelsea!
Without the support of those around me I don't think all the words would have made it onto the page. Let alone into the world. This was truly a team effort from everyone. And I wanted to say thank you to all who have supported me.
This goes out to those who physically forced me to write or read my early versions -Sorry you had to do that-. But also to the readers. Those that have purchased my book and those who left such heartwarming reviews. To the friends who shared about my publication to help get the word out about my accomplishment. And even to you reading this blog right now.
From the bottom of my heart thank you for supporting my dream!